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Notifications for pending prep topics, download recordings, and more

Hi there!

This is our weekly update. We would greatly appreciate any feedback.

New features / significant changes:

  • Notification and reminders for topics requiring preparation. Many types of meetings are not productive if participants aren’t prepared. To address this problem, we had introduced the ability to list people that require preparation for every topic. Such topics are not scheduled until everyone is ready. The problem was that you often had to remind people to get prepared. Now everyone who needs to prepare will receive a notification as soon as such topic is created. In addition, everyone will receive a reminder two hours before the sync hour with the list of topics they need to prepare for to have them scheduled. We hope this would allow you to use this capability more actively and make every topic well-prepared.
  • Download recordings. You can now download any recording through our video player. Two scenarios for this that we heard from users (a) Download to do some editing/trimming and publish to a broader audience (b) Download for offline / on-the-go watching
  • Preliminary agenda notification. You will be receiving a notification with preliminary agenda 60 minutes before the sync hour. We recently added automatic cancelation of sync hours 60 minutes before the start in case you have no topics, but the problem was that you weren’t getting anything if you had some topics. Now you will either get cancelation or preliminary agenda. If you don’t like that notification and would prefer something different — please let us know.

Small improvements & bug fixes:

  • [Improvement] Multiple minor visual usability improvements on the Upcoming tab to make content more readable and intuitive
  • [Improvement] Office 365: URL to join meeting was added to the Calendar event Location field. Previously it was only in the body, and Outlook wasn’t showing it as a clickable hyperlink.
  • [Bug] Topic slack channels weren’t copied to a new topic when you schedule a follow-up
  • [Bug] Remeets were auto-canceled if you accepted it within 60 minutes before the start
  • [Bug] Office 365: Manually scheduled topics were duplicated when start time was changed
  • [Bug] Office 365: Double email notification for manually scheduled topics
  • [Improvement] Reducing CPU/RAM utilization during prolonged use

Thank you for being our valued customers!
Remeet Team

Posted by Gene Padaliak
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